
California:sunshine, talkers, music makers, flowers, sidewalks, hills, readers, vegan, highways, exits, veggies, smiles for umbrellas, bees, clovers, party.

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My mom let me use her fun cam for fun. Here is a cover song. 

September 28, 2008

September 24, 2008

I wanted to share some ideas so I made this free website today.  Listening to records earlier made me feel sentimental. I was scooped a spoonful of white rice in my mouth and thought..."This song makes me want to cry. I am just going to sing along.  I'll never smile again....singing sentimental songs when feeling sentimental. I could go for seconds, my mom is the best rice maker ever.  Always did say that fff even when I was little.  Oh, but wrote in my fourth grade journal that I was so sick of eating nothing but rice rice rice rice rice.  I think I should make a website. I should take a pitcure of the rice, a culinary art section for website.   a diet log! swimming in a pool would be nice right now."

Then I started making it and ran out of ideas, here is some Kareoke for you:

....or try this english one. This is my favorite song right now. Look it up by The Ink Spots

Karla Lugo, Special FX yards, photography, uncoventional art, usable art, prose, Augusta GA, Downtown Augusta GA, soul bar, sky city, local music and art, asthma caps, san diego